It’s been many years since I moved from Idaho to the East and eventually ending up here in North Carolina. And I had lived, since childhood, in Idaho primarily in one town. Calculated roughly, I believe I spent about 235 thousand waking hours in […]
Month: December 2023
Bob Dylan – Things Have Changed
Poetry set to music. Bob Dylan, Things Have Changed
Datesville Chapter 5
Datesville: Out of the Land of Bondage! Chapter 5 — An Orwellian Supper Concerning my pen name, as mentioned earlier, I began using Harvey Orange in order to disguise the authorship of my articles, though I can’t honestly say that it has helped […]
Les Yeux Noirs Performed by Pomplamoose
Les Yeux Noirs (Dark Eyes) by Django Reinhardt performed by Pomplamoose featuring The Vignes Rooftop Revival
Zoë Conway and John McIntyre – I Will Find Solace
Zoë Conway and John Mc Intyre – Faoiseamh a Gheobhadsa (I Will Find Solace) Zoë’s and John’s website: Lyrics for Faoiseamh a Gheobhadsa by Máirtín Ó Direáin Faoiseamh a gheobhadsa / Seal beag gairid / I measc mo dhaoine / Ar oileán mara, […]
And Speaking of Angels . . .
I had to post this just because the children featured in it are so precious. Let us remember that our children are God’s most precious creation and gift to humankind. The Russian subtitle at the top of the video reads: “Sunday School – images” […]
A Meditation
The Door of Repentance Open Unto Me Sung by Moscow Sretensky Monastery Choir
An Evening Prayer
Kyrie Eleison (a prayer for mercy) sung by Anastasia Gladilina with the Chorus of the Sretensky Monastery – Russian Orthodox Church.