
Hi and welcome to my blog and thank you for stopping by!  Let me mention a couple of features that will be helpful whenever you visit here.

First, the top menu (just below the blog photo) has content you might find interesting and useful.  Let me just mention three.

The “SAMPLES” tab is useful because it offers you seven chapters—about 100 pages—of my first novel, Wanderer Come Home, to read and enjoy, as well as four chapters—66 pages—of my current work, Datesville: Out of the Land of Bondage!, which has not even been released yet.  So be sure to check out the SAMPLES tab.

Second, if you’re looking for other writers to connect with or are interested in videos about near death experiences or you enjoy cooking and more, be sure to visit our “LINKS” tab.  You’ll find some cool and amazing stuff there.

And third, under the “ARCHIVE” tab you’ll find articles that explore my thoughts and techniques on writing fiction.  Though the content there is not extensive, I think you will find what is there practical, encouraging, and perhaps insightful.

And finally, let me add a word about posting comments on this blog.  I really enjoy receiving comments on posts and responding to them; I love the dialogue and exchange of ideas.  One problem I have encountered, however, is that as soon as third-party spammers find out they can post comments here without having an account, they inundate the blog with spam so that I have to clear out fifty to a hundred unwanted messages every day.  This gets tedious very quickly as you can imagine.

So what I’ve had to do in response is to ask commenters to sign up for a free account with Vivaldi as a gateway for posting comments.  I’m sorry for this inconvenience.  But I can say, that Vivaldi is a great company who believes in internet privacy, and I have downloaded and used their internet browser for many years.  So having a free account with Vivaldi might actually be a blessing, especially if you have an interest in authoring your own free blog or opening a free email account or two.  And, by the way, comments on this blog are open on new posts for six months, after which the comment section closes.

I would love to hear from you; please do grab yourself a Vivaldi account and drop me a line.

