4 replies on “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night”

  1. Such a powerful poem and Anthony Hopkins – one of Britain’s finest actors, ever, in my humble opinion! – was perfect for that recitation.

    Wonderful stuff, Dale – thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Bob. That’s very kind. Yes, Sir Anthony has always been one of my favorite actors, and he’s also a hugely talented man off the stage as well. Last I heard, he was writing a symphony? if I remember correctly.

      1. You’re right, he does play a fine piano and I believe has written a few pieces, Have you read his autobiography? It came out back in the 90s, from memory – very interesting: he writes well too.

        1. No, I haven’t read his autobiography. I’m sure it’s quite interesting. Perhaps, I’ll look for it.

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